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Norms is Opening its First Las Vegas Location and I’m Thrilled

You may not know this about me, especially since this is the first time I’m meeting a lot of you, but I – at times – can get overly excited over the smallest of things. And in this case, my excitement is due to Norms Restaurant expanding it’s 24 hour diner from Southern California into Las Vegas this November 9th.

Norms bighead vegas

You Raised in Vegas locals that have never experienced Norms may be rolling your eyes over the fact that I’m even making a post about this 24 hour diner coming into town. And I wouldn’t blame you.

Let’s be real, I’m not entirely sure I’d be able to tell the difference between a Denny’s Original Grand Slam and whatever the equivalent is with Norms. It’s pure diner food.

But what I CAN tell you, is there have been many a night, in my twenties when I lived in SoCal, and stumbled in well after midnight after a long night of whatever debauchery I was up to, and had some of the best memories with my friends laughing over a plate of burger and fries. Probably being loud and obnoxious to the 2 or 3 other people in there that late at night. It truly was the best of times.

Listen, I eat my eggs and bacon just like the next man – over easy with bacon slightly undercooked. And if I happen to roll in at 3am, high as balls with multiple hand stamps from club entries from that night, I know I’m in my safe space and am about to eat some of the best pancakes of my life.


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