Ok so its only October, I get it. And I also said in my last post that we should slow down and enjoy the rest of 2024 before worrying about next year, but here I am – not taking my own advice. So for your enjoyment, I present to you, the definitive list of Las Vegas conventions you want to make sure to catch in 2025.
Sometimes life is unfair. In this case, we’re starting the new year with probably the best tech convention known to man. Sure there are other fantastic tech conferences and shows, but CES has remained the Head of the Table of conventions since I was just a young’n. Everyone knows what this is – and if you don’t, get your tickets and go anyway. Go in blind and be prepared to have your mind literally blown away. Trust me on this.
The literal one-two punch when it comes to Las Vegas conventions in the new year. I mean what more could you need when it comes to conventions. The latest in technology and how AI will take over our lives followed by porn stars that we’re too embarrassed to admit we know. Sit there with a straight face and tell me you don’t know who these women are…I’ll wait.
Ok now that we’ve established we’re all dirty little pervs, let’s come back down to earth and talk ___
Listen, I’m somewhat of a cinefile myself. I’ve seen Godfather like 50 times. Ever heard of it?